

The Top Ten Things I will Miss about LA

This list is not really in order, except for #1, of course. My older brother and younger sister both live in LA as do my parents. It is not an easy decision to move away from my family, particularly given how tight-knit we are. But, as I keep telling everyone, this is just a year […]

Living, Musings

Sylvie Goes to Sleep Away Camp

There is a rite of passage for many kids across the US of a certain age—summer camp. The more rarefied version of this—sleep away camp. I had the benefit of getting to go to a few sleep away camps in my youth. Josh did not. So, when I floated the idea to him that it […]


Perfect Josh

In honor of Father’s Day, I must dedicate a post to my incredible, unbelievable husband, Josh. In some circles, he has been referred to as PJ–that is Perfect Josh, to the uninitiated. He will be mortified that there is a post that is this gushing and complimentary. That is one of the virtues of why […]