We’ve done it. We’ve achieved total lazy vacation nirvana. Here we are, on Sardinia, a pretty big Italian island in the Mediterranean. We have nothing to do. On purpose. Here is a sample of our average conversation.
Me: “What should we do today?”
Kids: “Beach. Eat lunch. Then beach again. Then pool.”
Me: “Sounds good”.
Repeat that for a week and you’ve got the last leg of our vacation. All we wanted to do was sit on a beach and stare at the sea. This year has been a barrage of new things to the family, so we wanted a week to just absorb. Unfortunately, Josh got the strep throat that we all suffered through last month. On the other hand, there is probably no better place to get sick than a place with no plans and nothing to worry about.

The kids got a boogie board and learned how to catch a wave. They are in for a rude awakening when they get back to the Pacific ocean, home of much meaner waves and much colder water. My beach time activity was primarily enjoying the pop-up shops along the beach…bikinis, dresses, bracelets, kites all could be purchased off of movable carts that guys heroically wheeled down the sand. As it turns out, it is easier to buy a bikini when you are already wearing one! When I asked the sales guy if he had a mirror,

he replied, “I am your mirror—it fits perfectly”.
Here is the bad news. We are tired of eating Italian food. There, I said it. I long for something that doesn’t have a red sauce or pasta. Wait, am I complaining about too much vacation? Never! I would just love some Indian food right now.
Sardinia was a perfect place for us in which to end our vacation from our vacation. If we could achieve a scout patch for laziness, this would be our finest week.