One milestone marking the reality that we are moving home–figuring out childcare for when we get back. We’ve talked a lot about it, and decided that hiring an Italian au pair will be great for continuity with language and culture. Although I never used online dating websites, I did work for one. I became really […]
A Grandma in Italy
While, to be sure, there are a lot of grandmas in Italy, there is one in particular that has not been here. In fact, she had never set foot on any part of the European continent or its neighboring islands. So, we were very excited to host Josh’s mom on her first transatlantic trip. We […]
Lessons in Ski Racing
On our week-long trip to the wintry Dolomites, the kids did a three hour lesson every morning, so Josh and I had that time to ski together. Then, after a quick lunch with the kids, we would ski all afternoon. I couldn’t believe how much energy those kids would still have after their morning lesson. […]